Friday, 15 March 2013


Kunne ikke stå imot denne blokken fra Lori Holt. Måtte bare prøve, og nå er jeg hektet. Låver med søte "farmer's wife"-blokker, en ny for hver gang. Kom an, det er lov å henge seg på denne.

I couldn't resist Lori Holt's barn along, and here is my first barn. I love the small "farmer's wife"-blocks on the barn wall.

Linked to LaFF at Richard and Tanya Quilts and Finish it up Friday at Crazy mom.


  1. Oh what a fantastic block!

  2. Great barn block. Gooid job.

  3. This house looks fantastic.
    Greetings Grit

  4. Beautiful block.

    Greetings Manuela

  5. That is gorgeous. I love the traditional block that "lives" in the barn. Visiting from crazymumqyuilts

  6. Thank you for linking up in March to Richard and Tanya Quilts on our Link a Finish Friday. We will have a new linkup available every Friday. So stop by and share what you have been working on and check out what others are doing.

  7. I've never made these cute barns...but I just love the little quilt on the side!! Yours is done so well....really shows of your talent as a sewer. ;)

  8. I love that small farmer's wife block too! Probably one of my favs! Great barn!


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